yes, I have done the same thing at times. it is about discipline...

  1. 1,803 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    yes, I have done the same thing at times. it is about discipline and some wonderful responses to your post and questions, some things that have worked for me: Be clear about your goals, overall & on any stock purchase, is it that you want to make 20% on each trade, not so hard these days, and how much do you want to risk? you can put in a sell order as soon as you have bought the stock and then not go and look at it watching to see the price jump. Leave some profits for others, if you sell at a profit then someone can benefit by the stock going up and also making a profit. Also you do know yourself better than anyone else, is it fomo on a huge 100 bagger or something silly like that? then just remember that every single $100 you make on a trade or an investment is $100 in your pocket. And that is always better than a $100 loss. You are asking us to explain human behaviours. My bottom line is never buy $$ I cannot afford to lose... good luck and do have fun or give the business away... (& it is never fun when losing lots of $$ for anyone)
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