EBITDA improved to a positive of $1.560m from a loss of $0.282m in the prior corresponding half-year.
Cash on hand at end of reporting period was $9.397 million, a decrease of $5.861 million since 30 June 2007, primarily as a result of investment on exploration and development activities (31 December 2006 $20.514 million).
Sales volume averaged 14.23TJ per day, compared to 11.74TJ per day in the prior corresponding period (100% basis),registering 21% increase in the sales volume.
Produced and sold a small volume of gas from the initial production in August 2007 from a conventional well drilled in the Camden Project area.
Best producing vertical and inseam wells in Camden produced on average 854GJ and 982GJ per day (100% basis)
respectively during the reporting period. A new inseam well completed in the second half of December produced on
average 1,436GJ per day.
Drilled two Surface to In-Seam (SIS), two directional and two vertical wells in the Camden Project area.
Six wells were fracture stimulated in the Camden Project area.
Two coreholes were drilled in the Camden Project area.
Completed one corehole in the Hunter area which intersected over 65 metres of gross coal thickness.
Completed 93km of Hunter seismic data acquisition and processing.
ricegrowers limited
review of operations
Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: MONDAY, 8 APRIL 2019 11:00AM ##