More profit coming from streamlined DLC business plan? The oil endeavor will show profit soon. New well still not open completely and producing revenue already. How much will it be worth fully operational? Depending on PNE material acquirement how much is the 37% ownership worth? Not to forget that the price of gold is going up (Making Gold in the ground much more valuable) and lithium sources are being needed more and more with the push for GREEN energy sources. It may be that Paynes Find Gold has it all. Everything seems to be tying in nicely for Mr. Malcolm Day and his DELECTA Company. Is this the lull before the Storm? Will DLC be the 800 lb Gorilla in the minerial development business?
Lots of free cash flow and looming profit will give MR. MALCOLM DAY room to maneuver and develop his ideas for shareholder value. His first love was always mining. DELECTA/ADULTSHOP was just another form of mining. Will one day people be saying they could have had 1 million shares of DLC for around 4000 AUS$?
Balls Deep? Is 8.9 Million shares Balls Deep? If so, I am also Balls Deep in the DLC. WTC, risk is risk! I was over 26 years a soldier. Still here...................