Good report below with Lithium views and opinion.
At first, Geomet was not interested in the lithium very much due to its low concentration (0.2 percent), which would make it expensive to separate it from the ore.
But then Elon Musk from Tesla Motors said lithium was a new gasoline and Geomet
realised that most car makers started seriously considering the production of electric vehicles, Janout said.
Working as a prospector in Canada for most of his life, Janout wanted to use his experience when he returned to his homeland after the fall of the communist regime. He studied old geological maps from the 1970s and 1980s and found out that there are still many metals under the Krusne hory (Ore Mountains) in northern Bohemia.
The mining in the Ore Mountains ended in the 1990s because it was not profitable, but the value of these metals gradually increased. In 2010, Janout and three other geologists came up with the idea of renewed mining and the Environment Ministry approved their planned geological surveys, Respekt writes.
The price of lithium carbonate that is sold on world markets tripled in 2015 and it further increased by 47 percent in the first three months of this year to $6000 per tonne. The Cinovec deposit is not far from plants of the car makers Skoda, BMW and Mercedes.
The increase in lithium price may stop. The biggest deposits of lithium are in salt flats in Australia and Latin America and the mining is controlled by four companies that do not provide information about their mines. For example, if they wanted to liquidate the new competition, they might mine more lithium and markedly decrease its price.
Europe is so interested in Lithium that if I could put some recoverable Lithium into my sauerkraut bio-farts, they would harness my rear end and give me tax credits!!!!! Keep up the buzz EUR