I don’t think AZS’ shareprice has formed a meaningful correlation with any commodity price yet. The economics of production are still too opaque and any potential revenue stream too far away
In my opinion, the share price will continue to respond to newsflow in the foreseeable future, lifting on positive assay results / resource estimates, flinching at any news suggesting greater / earlier than expected equity dilution
Its my personal opinion that its unwise to go ‘long & strong’ with Azure for the next several years. For reasons outlined, I’ll only trade sentiment. Key to doing so is understanding upcoming liquidity events and preempting the impulsive behaviors of retail investors
With respect to trading tactics, I find it useful to make a calendar for the months ahead and plan activity around these. I assume past patterns of management behavior will continue into the future
I tend to set modest goals (typically only aiming for 20-30% ROI on each trade), use stop losses, and calibrate my sentiment using the most intelligent and knowledgeable bears and bulls in forum as calibrating poles for ny analysis.
Finally, for a nano low-liquidity stock like AZS, I remind myself that I compete directly against other HC posters. In many cases, they’re counter-parties to my trade. Our interests tend not to align and buying into group consensus is counter productive in the long run