I will refer you to a post that I placed in here last year regarding my responsibilities on behalf of the company and how I report and behave as a duly appointed company representative for Cann Global Limited.
As a company representative on HotCopper I am required to be aware of, and understand reporting behaviour on an SDI platform and also be mindful that public comments do not breach the Corporations Act (2001) (cth) s.77.1, on an SDI platform, and/or breach the ASX Listing Rule 3.1. for publishing market-sensitive information.
My style of language and responses to the members in this forum, as required by the Board of Directors, is expected to be both professional and respectful in manner.
Please refer to Post #:
Neil1959 (approved Sholom Feldman)
QBL provide a service to the forum, to answer a range of questions, with certain limitations that :
DO NOT Breach ASX Rules or the Corporations Act;
DO NOT Divulge commercially sensitive information relating to commercial negotiations and potential deals;
DO NOT Break or contravene State DPI or Federal Government DOA laws and regulations;
DO NOT Provide information that might be of a materially sensitive nature in an ongoing court case that could
potentially prejudice the commercial interests of the company or place the Company in contempt of court;
DO NOT Provide information that could expose and potentially jeopardize NDA's.
DO NOT Reveal Proprietary information on manufacturing processes, crop yields and tonnages on our
commercially sensitive broad-acre hemp food seed crops.
If you need any help with other information please don't hesitate to contact me at :
[email protected]