riddle me this batgirl, how do they expect to make the company better and create value for the shareholders by going along the lines of a 249D, if this is adopted and defeated, where do you think the value for SHs will be, in the gutter, his ego has him jumping up and down putting the bullets in the gun but asking someone else to pull the trigger, he has spent hours looking over my old posts to find something to discredit me, whoopee, he forgets he also has posts claiming that GPP is bigger than PLS, I dont think either of the names put forward would be suitable to be honest as they are both highly excitable posters who get a bit carried away, so I dont think there would be any extra value having them onboard, the market has spoken on the value it places on GPP, not because of current management but because the drill bit has returned nothing, I will now change my buy in price to .001 if this 249D goes ahead, common sense which is very lacking at the moment is something that should be brought into the secret conversation being held at the moment, maybe a level head should be also included, they are not just playing with there money but many other SHs, they need to remember that, some are very heavily involved and stand to lose a fair bit, all IMO and GLTAH