My understanding of why Ashburton is very pleased - from a junior copper mine investor. I did my homework. ATN never had such good result ever for MT WEBB region.
Look at the map provided in the announcement, on the west side of Mt WEBB, the drill of PKC007 (24-58m) and PKC008 (76-94m) has intersected more concentration of copper in shallow ground than opposite side of first started PKC001-006 (Normally, commercial worth copper mine start from as low as 0.1% upwards). From the information given by ATN, it is possible that there is more copper concentration on another side of MT WEBB. If another drill hit 1% copper concentration, then it is a jackpot!
No matter who pushed the share price up for any reason, the copper concentration in average never above PKC007 and PKC008. That is why I think it is better news and why they said: "it very pleased".
I tried to read between the words. Hopefully, other players don't just judge the number of 0.3% of copper. Have happy investing, guys!