Mmegi article last few days ("Resuscitation of Selkirk Mine billed for 2017") is interesting because it quotes MD of Tati Nickel Mining Company, Ditiro Lentswe saying the mine may start early 2017, 15 year life, "rich in ore resources", and requiring what he calls "very limited capital injection" to start ops.
What is interesting is that earlier announcements/articles have clearly stated startup in late 2016.
Lentswe says resumption of ops will start subject to the availability of funds. He did not state the amount required.
He says: "As management we have strongly recommended that the Selkirk mine should start operating at the beginning of 2017. A task force has been appointed by the government to investigate and map up the way forward for the BCL and we await the decision" . He also pointed out TNMC now processing surface stockpiles to generate some funds to pay employees.
From all this ....most of which we all already know.... things are obvious: the info flow from BCL is pretty fluid, to say the least;
there is still no certainty re the new Selkirk startup timing which is not wonderful for BCL cashflow short term;
the Govt task force seems not to have issued any conclusions on BCL yet, though they were talking about 3 weeks earlier and;
as (I think it was FB) noted, it underlines just how tight for cash is BCL and how importantly they must viewTakane to be pumping scarce funds into exploration there when they have so many other problems.
Worth a read, and does the Takane potential no harm at all.