I think a miracle will be required to save the libs and the...

  1. 933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 41
    I think a miracle will be required to save the libs and the academics running the RBA may think they can conjure one up, but I doubt it. ScoMo isn't up to the task at hand and it's too late for anyone else to step up. The Libs are bereft of ideas and seem he'll bent on being 2 steps behind labor. Of course we all know that what BS says and what he will do will be polar opposites but the voters fall for the smoke and mirrors every election. I think BS will get in and then watch the sheet hit the fan. The banks will crap themselves if BS tries to push ahead with the negative gearing changes and the market plummets.
    The unions will go berserk on a power trip and investment in construction will contract. BS will have to open up the borders to keep the influx coming to prop up the economy. I'm sure in his customary congratulatory phone call, Trump will remind him of his previous derogatory comments and no doubt we will not be flavour of the month with the worlds largest economy. If China doesn't make a deal with Trump we will be the biggest loser and our own Australian financial crisis is a ticking bomb and BS doesn't have the brains to defuse it.
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