Hi Sydney, what people take the announcement to mean is up to them. I was more addressing the issue you raised re it not being in an official announcement. From your post
"I saw the tweet going around but certainly surprised if it is with such a major milestone not being followed up and in a formal announcement."
So was just clarifying that what was in the tweet was already announced as per the presentation.
On what Generating positive cashflow means, as I say up to people to determine what is meant by that. Funny how people come up with different meanings, sometimes it seems to be whether you hold or not that you end up with a different interpretation.
Perhaps a shipment will be cash flow Positive if the cost of getting it out of the ground and onto the ship is less than the revenue recieved?
Low strip ratios and low pre strip may allow some to get to that position quicker than others?
Anyway, hope all my friends at A40 had a good Xmas and let's hope this announcement gets us some positive momentum whenever it's released.
All the best.