the large instos employ nuclear physicists as quants,there are many games the high end argument is that it aids price discovery,the low end argument is it serves greed.
the gfc saw many hedge funds (read do whatever they want funds) bankrupt it also saw some principals move into the worlds rich list.
we also have some unsavoury practices in asx listed companies .
the GFC and the mechanics behind it are really about greed and unchecked practice,i firmly believe the G20 are moving toward changing the ethical code with law and reframing the mechanics to restore confidence.
Obama had 20 years on "THE STREET" and is very well connected with those who desire a return to ethics,all major exchanges now have some monitoring ability and i am confident regulatory oversight will improve.
from my own personal view watching live action i believe the regulatory changes combined with the unwritten regulatory oversights are having a reassuring impact on the mechanics of price discovery,the spreads are much narrower now.