Keeping in mind this isn't an Application, we are seeking an Approval to Proceed with an Application for a Commercial UCG Project, so I do't think timelines apply. That may be a different case once we submit an Application.
As previously stated by the Q.Gov. the DEHP has employed Consultants. The Dept. was lambasted by the Ombudsman over the Cougar Energy Debacle. I suspect these 'Consultants' are also the one/s from the ISP given that supposed experts may be thin on the ground for this new tech.
The Rehab and Decom Plans would have probably bounced to them, if one takes a common sense approach. Then with their recommendations back to whoever makes the final decision. If it is a Committee it is likely (but not necessarily fact) we will be waiting until next year despite Q.Gov (according to CNX) telling them they will do their best to meet CNX timelines.
In the mean time there is likely a need for a new UCG Policy, even if it only concerns CNX at this point. Such would need to be addressed in any Application. If not a Policy then certainly there would be requirements such a project would have to adhere to. That would probably require behind the scenes confab between Gov. Depts, Consultants and CNX.
Time is progressing to a point where the Gov. shuts down for break, Parliament has. I should also imagine high on the agenda (for Pollies) early next year will be the election. I'm at the point of pure guessing if we don't receive approval to proceed shortly. I keep wishing to see a trading halt with positive news Ann.
Perhaps we could hold a guessing competition on the date. I'll put a bid in for the 13th February 2015.
What we do need is further info from CNX on who or what (Committee) we are waiting for from the Q/Gov.