HYO 0.00% 26.0¢ hyro limited

q3 positive cashflow increases 50% to $752k, page-3

  1. 1,484 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43
    "Note:5 states trade Creditors and Trade Debtors, I'm not one hundred percent shaw on why this has been published maybe someone with a better knowledge of accounting can enlighten me, I understand what they mean but why publish it??"

    Good question -

    It may be a requirement from the ATO because of the tax debt.

    Those two payments you mention are good points. I would like more disclosure around the financing cashflows. My thoughts are that a lot of things have been netted off against each in item 1.20. As they may have recieved those payments for Synergy but used it all to pay down the ATO debt so the net effect is pretty much nil. But if that is the case they should disclose it in the qtrly as those are 'material' movements.

    They should also confirm if the ATO debt repayment plan is being met or not.

    Have they made public the debt repayment plan to the ATO? That would answer quite a few questions.

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