If you want to get strong, you need to lift relatively heavy....

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 53
    If you want to get strong, you need to lift relatively heavy. Protein supplementation is just one factor. Some pre workout supplements are dangerous if used too often. If you use them get a doctor to check your kidney function every few months. Many doctors will tell you that there is no need but do it anyway if you insist on using pre workout powders.

    I make my own. It's much safer. One heaped teaspoon glutamine, one teaspoon creatine and quarter teaspoon alanine. mix it in non acidic juice or water. The alanine may make the skin on you face prickle for about 10 minutes. If you don't like it cut it back a bit.

    Do the big exercises. Bench press, squats and dead lift. Learn how to do dead lifts properly. Very important. There will be a massive increase in strength compared to mucking about with cable rows etc.. Lat pull downs, rows, arm curls etc should be secondary to the major strength builders.

    The standard 3 sets x 10 reps is fine. If you can do 10 then it's a bit light. If you can only do 3 then you're going too heavy. On your last set you may only squeeze out 6 or 7. About once every 10 days or so, try a maximum lift. Use a spotter. Creep up slowly over time to avoid injury and allow your body to adapt but you must work hard. Maintain good form. No point showing off then having 3 months off to recover.

    Protein. I take 25 grams of protein on lifting days only. I used to take a lot more but never saw any difference. There's lots of hype with supplementation. You can eat a higher fat diet quite easily if you lift regularly. Forget those energy carb drinks. Waste of money. If you get tempted to try out anabolic steroids, read up on the side effects and remember that they will happen. Yes they work and you'll get strong quickly but they'll play havoc with the balance of hormones in your body. Lot's of professional body builders died young for their physique.

    Hope I don't sound as if I'm lecturing and I'm sure you know most of this stuff. Sometimes at the gym I see young blokes doing it wrong and I politely talk to them about it but they just go, "cheers buddy" and carry on their way. Then when they see my slim 63 year old body pressing 120 kilo's they want to talk. Good luck, keep lifting.
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