picastoc, you are clearly unaware that we as a country have...

  1. 3,222 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 72
    you are clearly unaware that we as a country have things totally the wrong way around. Smart countries and there are many, do not tax super on the way in via a contribution tax. Nor do they tax earnings in the fund during the accumulation phase. They have one tax only and that is upon retirement . Retirees have been hit at 15% and 30 % on the way in, and taxed on earnings in the fund during the accumulation . Now of course we have the cap tax introduced by the Coalition . We know that politicians will continue to change the rules almost every election cycle. This has made things impossible to make long term plans for retirement. Incidentally, our politicians , by continually changing the rules, is a self admission that they can never get it right , or, they simply see super as low hanging fruit that allows them to sprout the usual ....” tax the rich” rubbish.
    Yet , you seem to think retirees have not paid there way ?

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