I wonder what the "old" people say to these young people? There...

  1. 12,031 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31
    I wonder what the "old" people say to these young people? There are plenty of "old" people like myself who is retired and who has never stopped paying tax, and paid tax since age 16. That is a long, long time of tax paying history. These young people are paying off a mortgage you say? Wow, would loved to have the very low interest rate which they incur to pay off their mortgage. Some of my tax payments are no doubt supporting many of the welfare payments these young people receive - child care, unemployment, yadda yadda yadda. boo hoooooo boooo hoooo.
    "Old" people didn't flood our capital cities with immigrants which put pressure on house prices, now did they?
    Naughty "old" people. Fancy them being frugal and becoming able to refrain from accessing any Aged Pension at all, ever.
    Yes, Billy boy should grab their savings, for sure....... and pay those "good" young people relaxing at home right now.
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