Proposal to abolish refundability of Franking Credits, page-333

  1. 5,995 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15
    If the corporate tax is reduced as you say , yes the franking credit would be reduced but also the tax revenue.

    I believe in the reduction of company tax so that our companies can compete with other international companies....

    If you had a company where would you have your headquarters in Australia tax rate 30% Singapore 15% ??

    Yes..the Government would get more revenue if they adopted a lower tax regime...more companies , more turnover read profits , read more tax..etc etc...Best of all , more employment for us Australians.....

     I am not a political being as such....dont care what party is in Government...I just hate BAD governments .

    I want Australia to be more affluent ,I want every citizen to step up another rung on the ladder , I dont like class warfare , envy spite and jealousy

    against any individual so I am anti ALP at the moment which does not mean I am pro Liberal either...

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