You really have no idea. "In the case of the work undertaken for...

  1. 12,970 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    You really have no idea.

    "In the case of the work undertaken for Senator Leyonhjelm, that would take into account the $1.6 million transfer balance cap for superannuation?

    «Ms»«Wilkinson» : Absolutely—that's a piece of policy that's been legislated.

    Senator McALLISTER: So suggestions that it didn't are wrong? Because those suggestions have been made publicly.

    «Ms»«Wilkinson» : To be clear, in the actual policy costing document that was circulated by Senator Leyonhjelm, we outline our key assumptions and the methodology that's applied, and we're clear in those assumptions and methodology that the policy costing takes into account existing policies of the day. I'll just see if I can find exactly where it is in the advice. I'll get one of my colleagues to point you to the specific part in the advice, but it absolutely takes into account the transfer balance cap.";adv=yes;orderBy=customrank;page=0;query=dividend imputation Ms Wilkinson Dataset:reportsen,estimate;rec=1;resCount=Default

    'Leak out of Bowen's office' - ROFL

    You are getting very desperate now. Very desperate!
    Last edited by JonnoH: 13/12/18
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