Originally posted by Puk
I read it as the South Queensland Ewamian people agreed on the 13th and 14th, as a meeting was also in Brisbane, and this is just the final consultation. Could be wrong though.
Yes Puk, it is ambiguous. But, I'm now just taking two matters which seem quite definite, that they HAVE negotiated an agreement in principle and that the final meeting on it for final consideration will be on 30 November, yes, same day as LNY's AGM. So, we won't be hearing anything new until then.
Another 24 days.
Now, I've got no idea what the TPAC will do if, say, they don't get any objections, which from my reading, seems likely. I'd assume that a formal agreement will then need to be signed by both parties and, what, then lodged with the NQLC for "consideration", however long those two will take and then, all going well, lodged with the DNRM for the ML. NQ's wet season is from November to April. Maybe attending the AGM might find out what their plans are from then on?? Anyone still going?