Having spent the greater part of my life on the coast of...

  1. 14,067 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Having spent the greater part of my life on the coast of Queensland I can tell you that the "Reef is Doomed" story has been repeated many times over the years but it is still there

    IMHO -- It does need to be protected, it does need to be managed and controlled

    That obviously is not happening as we appear to have multiple bodies living off the proceeds of the taxpayer contributions without contributing anything and when they run out of money they just start another scream scam about the Reef having only a few years to live

    Throwing money at a problem will never work

    The Reef will be damaged and will suffer waves of bad times as that is the nature of all living things so we have to "manage" it properly

    Any person who believes that a published work is incomplete or false should have an open platform to prove that he/she is right.

    But to sack someone because you don't agree with him is draconian and stupid

    The people doing the sacking are showing very poor judgement and maybe should not be in a position of power or administration because they obviously are not fitted for the job
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