400% to near 0% - a Question for FMSChairman to Answer.
As an attendee of the 2018 FMS AGM I and my fellow FMS shareholders whoattended that meeting will recall the FMS Chairman, Mr N Warburton making thefollowing statements during that AGM of ;-
“I am not going back more than 2 or 3 years since Ihave been in this chair. At this point you have got a 400% increase in theshare price. You can say things againstthe board and that is ok but the share price has gone up by 400%. I think that is reasonable. I'd like to knowany other similar Company where the share price in the last years has gone upby 400%.”
“We represent all shareholders and their bestinterests. I go back since chairingthis company the share price has gone up 400%.”
Will the FMS Chairman, Mr N Warburton make an ASX announcement toexplain the collapse of the 400% gain to near 0% during the last few days andthe reason for this dramatic collapse?