Hows your criminal losing swamp dweller going? Cough...

  1. 6,301 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Hows your criminal losing swamp dweller going? Cough Cough!

    Running in 2020?

    Trumpy is slowly expelling the swamp. Like a clogged drain of leftist filth!
    Pictures to replace who is actually in the swamp is a classic deflection the left uses often!
    The left never owns up to their own swamp filth and saying its the other side. We know your tactics! Marxist swamp sympathisers!

    Weiner the ' sexting' registered sex offender was very close to a Losing Presidential Candidate from the leftist swamp!
    Weiner's wife was very close to that Candidate Swamp person. And that Swamp person husband who is a former President has actually been sued for sexual harassment. Hmmmm and settled out of court! Why? Because in court it could have been a lot worse!
    There have been worse allegations including rape. Oh but that's OK to the leftist Marxists!

    These are your past leaders.....I rest my case you Loose! Cap L, jim!

    Trump Winning!
    Bilbo winning!

    Don't need memes for my arguments! Just facts!

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