PPD pan palladium ltd

read up on anooraq resources aquarius, implats, and amplats...

  1. 767 Posts.
    read up on anooraq resources aquarius, implats, and amplats ventures into the northern limb of the bushveld complex.

    also see the below link

    finally, this is an email reply i recently received from a Senior Research Fellow of the 'School of Geosciences - University of the Witwatersrand'....i had asked what their opinion was of the northern limb (Platreef)....

    "You ask about the commercial opportunities in the Platreef? I am not sure what your background is, but if you are looking for a slice of the action, all the available propects are taken. Several major players like AngloPlatinum have huge developments on the Platreef
    having expanded from the Sandsloot Mine, northwards to open a Zwartfontein Mine this year, followed by further developments to follow.

    International Junior Companies, including Hunter Dickinson (Canada), Platreef Resources (a Robert Friedland Company) and Pan Palladium (an Australian junior) have major holdings on the Platreef and doing
    intensive exploration.

    As far as the potential economically, the Platreef varies from 400m to tens of metres, as compared with the Merensky Reef and UG2, which are 1m thick, so the Platreef lends itself to opencast mining where investment costs are much lower and time to production is much faster. "

    personally, i believe the Platreef has the ability to dramatically alter the way in which sth african platinum development has traditionally been evaluated, placing companies like PPD in a healthy bargaining position.
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