Mossums I know you have had a tough day on the market today so I will let that post slip through.
Rental sections otherwise known as departments are usually owned by the principal who also owns the sales agency. To say that most put on junior s and trainees indicates you are stuck in the 80s. Our youngest pm is 38 whilst our oldest is about 55. Our region is a massive area and I cannot name 1 trainee within this area. I think you need to research the industry a bit further.
Who cares how many rentals are on Rnt as unless they are paying customers it means nothing. As soon as Rnt goes to pass the hat around those listings will drop off. So no agents will not pay in the end. As for gumtree we receive far more enquireries from that than Rnt. Private landlords tend to be private to save money. Gumtree is free. So put 2+2 together. Also not mentioned within this thread are the private rental companies that provide you with listings on several sites not one and that includes REA and domain......... That is a much better proposition to private landlords.
1 questioned Mossums which has been left unanswered. A very important question - how many sales reps do Rnt have ?
You have managed to annoy me, which is a rare skill. I usually give people a few chances and the benefit of the doubt, as, until you've walked a mile in their shoes...
Are you not reading what I said on purpose? Take a breath and re-read - I said the rental "sections" of agencies - most I know separate sales from rentals (and put the trainee and junior staff in there to boot). Maybe I didn't use an exactly correct industry term for that department, build a bridge, get over it and yourself.
Yes I did answer your questions - in a very detailed and patient way I thought. You just decided to ignore them.
You keep talking about agencies fees and REA - as I have stated about four times - this is NOT the main game here.
You've also ignored:
1. Most of REAs rentals are ALREADY on RNT - do some searches. I used the word 'IF' they are all on RNT, as the privates also aren't yet.
2. REA has no private rentals, THAT is one way RNT gets all rentals and therefore more renter eyeballs. This is why agents will pay in the end. I do know who owns gumtree (why are you so determined to be condescending?) - but those sites are NOT tailored to renters needs or private landlords, and neither is REAs.
3. There is another way of doing things - you seem stuck in the current process. Please try to see past it and that there may well be an alternative.
I'm not going to re-hash what I've said before about verticals, differentiation, income streams etc, as you just ignore all that and start talking about agents and fees again.
I am not spruiking anything as a winner. I am not convinced. However you say you 'KNOW', twice - I didn't say it once once. Why do you feel the need to attack others for doing what you are doing? If I am 'spruicking', then you are 'downramping'. If I am 'certain', maybe read your own post again for what you state as fact.
As I did say before (yawn), as the numbers come through for next year my view may well change - will yours? The numbers only have to be average for this to be a good business.
I have been trying to be even handed - while you seem to like to pump up your importance; the number of agency principals you deal with, the facts you know, disparage others and argue with me against points that I didn't even make.
These are not MY projections in this thread, my personal figures are much more conservative. I have invested a very small parcel on the basis that it may well beat my numbers. If it doesn't, no biggie.
This is a SPECULATIVE stock which is basically a gamble that I like the odds on. I play with these stocks because it is good education for my bigger holdings and is a lot of fun - your approach seems to be the opposite of the enjoyment of playing the market, sharing insights and debating stocks.
I've also owned REA for a long time, so I do appreciate their business model at the non-speccy end of the market too.
If you can strike a friendly tone in your posts and not ignore my answers, then I am happy to debate. After your last post, I'm not so inclined. You do realise you catch more bees with honey than vinegar?
I apologise if my post matched your aggressive and know-it -all tone - I guess you reap what you sow.