Hello all.
I have just brought into AVQ for the first time at 9.6c.
I have a strong buy sentiment.
I have known Ryan for a number of years, including some negative times in the past due to personal issues around the "other" gold company. BUT he is a powerful force as regards connections and capability to secure markets and secure finance.
The SI Nickel project is a great project and I say this because I am constantly working with global players trying to source battery metals. Specifically most recently the Germans who are now very scared that they are late on the scene in capturing their share of the metals supply chain. Their 3 major car companies have not secured their part in the EV market and are chasing Nickel, Cobalt and to lesser extent Lithium (plenty of available supply). The German car industry is a substantial part of their economy. The battle for Nickel Cobalt mine supply is heating up.
So, perhaps compare Axiom to Australian Mines. Aus Mines just (Nov 2018) released their positive BFS on Sconi - the old Greenvale deposits (that Yabulu was built on). Note the JORC (not mined) grade = 0.79% Ni and 0.1% Co. Compare that to AVQ's deposit.