(not posting in politics because its relevant to this company)
There was reachtel poll done recently about Tasmanians attitudes to fish farming;
"How would you describe the influence of fish farming companies on the Tasmanian state government?"
Result was balanced overall between 'too much' and 'about right', but very divided along party lines.
"Do you agree or disagree that the fish farm industry is risking jobs by not investing in future proofing the industry?
'Unsure' was top response, difficult question.
"Do you think salmon fish farming has a positive, negative or no effect on other fisheries industries, such as wild abalone and scallop fishers?
'negative' was the top response across the board.
http://www.tai.org.au/sites/defualt/files/Brief - 17 July 2017-Lyons - FISH FARMS.pdf