While I admit a higher SP might be nice to see, it is NOT essential and there are actually quite a few positives in it staying lower at least for a few months. 1) It allows me and all of my friends to top up our holdings at bargain basement prices 2) It discourages management from raising operating capital by issuing shares, dilution is not our friend and when the big money CAPEX is needed the banks will be fighting each other to provide it. Timing is what matters most at the moment, Critical path analysis will be showing that the sooner an off-take agreement can be signed the sooner finance can be arranged thus allowing plant designs to be finalised. It is only then that Long lead items can be ordered, delivery and installation of which IS essential before we can get this baby into production.
We all know the SP of this company is going to sky-rocket sooner rather than later, I for one brought in fully understanding that I will probably have to wait at least 2 years before it really takes off, In the mean time I am forgoing the champagne to buy as many shares that Santa can provide.
On the Geo-political risk of Angola, Sad to say it is now much better than Australia where it now takes an estimated 7+ years to bring a new mine into production IF you are eventually allowed to !