Those are the facts, and any other arguments are either borne...

  1. 26,534 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 273
    Those are the facts, and any other arguments are either borne from ignorance or poor research.

    There are currently 1 billion cars in the world which according to you will be replaced with EVs within the next 10/15 years

    That's a lot of lithium, cobalt and rare earths Barg

    Tesla sees a problem with supply to build the batteries

    How big will that problem become when GM, Ford, VW, Toyota etc get in on the act of sourcing the same products
    at a time when house batteries will also be trying to convert solar energy from suburbia's roof tops

    and all to be accomplished within the next 10/15 years

    I think hydrogen cars may have a better of revolutionising the car industry rather than lithium/cobalt based electric power

    But you were correct about your bit about poor research and ignorance
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