I think it will be a few years before we see those prices, but on the way up it is yes!
I am not so sure the 2000 2C resource estimate is even relevant now. The 1241 3P statement indicates an additional 785 2C resource in ATP852. If this is all converted to 3P we would see ATP852 with a 2026PJ 3P resource and I think a pretty solid 2P base by June next year.
This does not include the Dingonose and Duckworth finds in 806/758 which from the ann report currently have 800 2C contingent estimate. I believe there is tremendous upside in the 806/758/831 permits (above the 800PJ currently out there) as they have have only really just begun to explore that resource after shooting additional seismic this year. With the other permits they have in the bowen/surat, I think we have a real monster of a company on our hands.
As I have said before I really believe that 852 is going to give this company the right start it needs with a successful nd prolific CSG asset. Lets hope they are given the space to develop their assets and not get bought up by the big players too early. Writing on the wall with Arrow/Shell owning 30%! Dang!
pepper residential securities trust no. 21