Sperion,no I dont,in my networking days I found ringing journalists and asking for contact names and numbers to be quite reasonable,if you explain why you need to contact them. Im not sure what UNI your aligned with, for your research but they should have some potential Venture captialists lined up,I would have thought Murdoch campas but what do I know.(I think they do maths and statistics). You may be able to get the UNI to do alot of the donkey work ,by way of the students who asist you, doing your "menial tasks",data punching what ever that leads towards their curriculum. All things are possible Sperion,no matter how far fetched they may seem. If your system will trade OIL/LNG,ring WPL,they cant find enough places to through money at,given a good enough reason,just gear the pitch in that direction. Sperion,you have many possibilities to get your seed/venture money,maybe you shouldnt even think about OZ for it, maybe Singpore given your gearing it towards the asian market in our time zone. Most of the "top" Accounting firms in Perth will have an angels programe of some sort,this is another option. Have you contacted Pattersons?,theyve thrown money at Subi oval. One of the big four banks? Having created it will you want to be married to it Sperion?
Ill be happy to talk offline Sperion,if you think I can help, as Ive already stated ,Im no programme writer,nor can I sole fund your system. Have a think about it,if you still want to talk to me offline Ill be happy to help where I can.