At some point you'd like to think that the stupid fools who call...

  1. 860 Posts.
    At some point you'd like to think that the stupid fools who call themselves Europeans ...( not really but a bunch of sheep heading for slaughter) will open thier stupid eyes & mouths & say hey !!!! What the hell is going on , but I don't think these scocialist fools / cowards will !!
    This is the result of Muslim creep !!! ... God love Hungry & Austria , .. seems they have smelled a rat .....that rat is " Multiculturalism " ( up to the point the Muslim scum holds all the numbers, and votes ) ... then it's called
    " A radical Muslim scum conquest " , and now you all live under the crescent !! Don't like it ......OF WITH YOUR HEAD !!
    We westerners are such losers !!
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