MOE 1.76% $5.21 moelis australia limited

out with the old, page-7

  1. 5,599 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 36
    re: out with the old-0848226 Kanamint I'll explain this like I'm talking to a 2 year old so you can understand:

    Why do you think directors are called directors?Because they direct the company,they have the power to make or break the company,yeah.If they dooooo aaaaa baaaad jobbbb then pricey goes down okaaaay.
    So why in the hell would you not give a stuff about the directors????

    You didn't get EQS at 4 cents because it is impossible in relation to the timeframe you refer to.So stop lying you have been caught out.

    Kanamint I come on to this sight expecting peoples postings to be honest and sincere and if I can will expose them because if I or we didn't then what sought of sight would this be,I sight not worth going to that is.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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