I guarantee you for every story out there albeit 'negative or positive' I can show you five plus stories that would countermand them.
The trouble is there is too much noise and media outlets such as CNBC and Bloomberg probably to a lesser extent are the megaphones.
You just have to look at the way CNBC frame there headlines "Does xxx spell trouble for your portfolio?" or, Is it time to sell your oil stocks now?" or conversely "Is it time to but oil again?" These are all designed to grab your attention and the narrative that follows doesn't really provide and real analysis just a lot of "traders say blah blah blah or a spokesman said blah blah blah. More worrying is that CNBC has a habit of leaving stories on their site which are well pass their use by date causing further confusion. If I didn't know any better this looks deliberate with a lot of this news not having any relevance whatsoever. The fact is that any five year old can coin any question and pass it off as journalism or pretending it is a valid analytical point. It's just lazy and not very intelligent.
At the end of the day your decision to buy, sell or hold is to be respected.
There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know.
There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we
know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There
are things we don't know we don't know.