I tend to disagree with this concept. It is a bit of a smite on what the company is trying to a achieve. Which is to be an Australian resource company with great (great is an understatement) connections.
I would say what you are buying here is a future blue chip listed entity with a major shareholder who happens to be Chinese, and who will fund an aquisition for ORD through an equity deal. It is a great help to ORD and will add value but does not mean ORD is CNMC, NFC CNMIM etc. That takes away the credit from ORD itself which has directors and staff who are ORD employees not CNMC.
What you are witnessing is the Chinese great use of their connections and guang xi as they often do, which less so seen in Western companies. The way I see it is ORD has and will have some help from associates to get them moving in the right direction on a long journey.
There will come a time however when ORD will stand on it's own as a major player and may even be able to return a favour in some way to it's associate, likely and hopefully through a massive capital gain!