ORP 10.3% 3.5¢ orpheus uranium limited

options offer prospectus and 3b

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    8 AUGUST 2008
    The Manager
    Company Announcements
    Australian Stock Exchange Limited
    Level 10, 20 Bond Street
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    Dear Sir
    Options Offer Prospectus
    On 12 May 2008, Shareholders of Oropa Limited (the
    Company) approved the issue of up to 13,280,376 Options at
    the issue price of $0.002 per 2011 Option to those persons
    recorded as holders of options which expired unexercised on the
    expiry date of 31 December 2007. Shareholders also approved
    the placement of the Shortfall (if any) by the Directors in their
    As previously advised, a total of 13,280,376 options expired
    unexercised on the expiry date of 31 December 2007.
    The Company has today lodged a Prospectus for the offer of the
    2011 Options to those persons and a copy of that Prospectus is
    attached. An Appendix 3B in relation to the issue will follow
    Yours faithfully
    Philip C Christie
    6 August 2008
    Drilling Re-Commences At
    Hutabargot Julu
    4 August 2008
    Appendix 3Y - Change of Director`s
    Interest Notice x 5
    31 July 2008
    Quarterly Activities Report with
    Appendix 5b
    25 Charles Street
    South Perth WA 6151
    Ph: +61 8 9368 4544
    Fax: +61 8 9368 4522
    Email: [email protected]
    ABN: 77 009 241 374
    Brian Hurley– Chairman
    Philip Christie– Director
    Rod Murchison– Non-Executive
    Bruce Tomich- Non-Executive
    Misha Collins- Non-Executive
    ASX Code: ORP
    ABN: 77 009 241 374
    For an issue of up to 13,280,376 options to the registered holders of options that expired on 31
    December 2007 at an issue price of $0.002 (0.2 cent) each to raise up to $26,560.75.
    If you do not understand the contents of this Prospectus, you should consult your stockbroker,
    accountant or other professional adviser without delay.
    This prospectus is dated 8 August 2008. A copy of this Prospectus was lodged with the
    Australian Securities & Investments Commission (“ASIC”) on 8 August 2008.
    Neither ASIC nor its officers take any responsibility as to the contents of this Prospectus.
    The offer is not underwritten.
    CORPORATE DIRECTORY ..............................................................................3
    1. The Option Issue .....................................................................................6
    2. Capital Structure .....................................................................................6
    3. Proforma Consolidated Balance Sheet ...................................................7
    4. Use of Funds ...........................................................................................9
    5. The Company’s Projects .........................................................................9
    6. When to Apply .........................................................................................9
    7. Application instructions ...........................................................................9
    8. Allotments ............................................................................................ 10
    9. Overseas Shareholders ....................................................................... 10
    10. Australian Stock Exchange Listing ...................................................... 10
    11. CHESS ................................................................................................. 10
    12. Risk Factors ......................................................................................... 11
    13. Current Directors .................................................................................. 12
    14. Company History ................................................................................. 12
    15. Issued and New Equity ........................................................................ 13
    16. Rights Attaching To The Shares .......................................................... 13
    17. Terms of Options ................................................................................. 14
    18. Dividends ............................................................................................. 15
    19. ASX Announcements ........................................................................... 15
    20. Tenements ........................................................................................... 16
    21. Cost of the Option issue ....................................................................... 16
    22. Taxation Implications ............................................................... 16
    23. Directors’ Interests ............................................................................... 17
    24. Consents .............................................................................................. 18
    25. Privacy Act ........................................................................................... 18
    26. Enquiries .............................................................................................. 18
    27. Lodgment ............................................................................................. 18
    Application Form for Options ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
    Brian J Hurley AWASM, MausIMM
    Philip C J Christie
    (Chief Executive Officer)
    Roderick G Murchison
    (Non Executive Director)
    Bruce N V Tomich B.Sc(Hons)
    (Non Executive Director)
    Misha A Collins CFA
    (Non Executive Director)
    Dean W Calder B.Bus CA
    25 Charles Street
    South Perth WA 6951
    Telephone: (08) 9368 4544
    Facsimile: (08) 9368 4522
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Website: www.oropa.com.au
    Security Transfer Share Registry Pty Ltd
    Alexandria House
    770 Canning Highway
    Applecross WA 6153
    Telephone: (08) 9315 2333
    Facsimile: (08) 9315 2233
    Australian Stock Exchange (Perth) Limited
    Exchange Plaza
    2 The Esplanade
    Perth WA 6000
    Stantons International
    Level 1 / 1 Havelock St
    West Perth WA 6005
    Lodgment of Prospectus 8 August 2008
    Opening Date 8 August 2008
    Closing Date of Applications (5:00pm Perth, WA time) 22 August 2008
    Date of the Company’s General Meeting
    approving the options issue 12 May 2008
    Issue date of options 24 August 2008
    The above dates are indicative only and are subject to change. The Company reserves the right
    to amend this indicative timetable. In particular, the Company reserves the right, subject to the
    Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules, to extenbd the Closing Date or withdraw the Offer
    without prior notice. Any extension of the Closing Date will have a consequential effect on the
    date for the issue of the new Options.
    This Prospectus is dated 8 August 2008. It was lodged with the Australian Securities and
    investment Commission (“ASIC”) on 8 August 2008. Neither the ASIC nor the Australia Stock
    Exchange Limited (“ASX”) takes any responsibility for the content of this Prospectus. No
    securities will be allotted or issues on the basis of this Prospectus later than the expiry date,
    being the date that is 13 months after the date of this Prospectus.
    No person is authorised to give any information or to make representation regarding the Offer.
    Any information or representation in relation to the Offer that is not contained in this Prospectus
    may not be relied upon as having been authorised by Oropa Limited (“the Company”) or its
    This Prospectus provides information for investors to decide if they wish to invest in the
    Company and should be read in its entirety.
    This Prospectus is available for downloading in electronic form from the Company’s website
    www.oropa.com.au. The offer pursuant to an electronic Prospectus is only available to persons
    receiving an electronic version of this Prospectus within Australia. The Corporations Act
    prohibits any person from passing to another person the Application Form unless it is attached to
    or accompanies the complete and unaltered version of the Prospectus During the Offer Period,
    any person may obtain a hard copy of this Prospectus by contacting the Company.
    The Company reserves the right not to accept an Application Form from a person if it has reason
    to believe that when that person was given access to the electronic Application Form, it was not
    provided together with the electronic Prospectus and any relevant supplementary or
    replacement prospects or any of those documents were incomplete or altered.
    There is no facility for online applications.
    No person is authorised to give information or to make representation in connection with this
    Prospectus which is not contained in this Prospectus. Any information or representation not so
    contained may not be relied on as having been authorised by the Company in connection with
    this Prospectus.
    This Prospectus is issued under the special prospectus content rules for continuously quoted
    securities and options to acquire continuously quoted securities, in section 713 of the
    Corporations Act. The information in this Prospectus principally concerns the terms and
    conditions of the Offer and the information necessary to make an informed assessment of:
    (a) The effect of the Offer on the Company; and
    (b) The rights and liabilities attaching to the 2011 Options offered by this
    As the Company has been listed on ASX since 31 March 1988, a substantial amount of
    information concerning the Company has previously been notified to ASX and is therefore
    publicly available.
    The Prospectus is intended to be read in conjunction with the publicly available information in
    relation to the Company which has been notified to ASX and does not include all of the
    information that would be included in a prospectus for an initial public offering of securities in an
    entity that is not already listed on a stock exchange. Shareholders should therefore also have
    regard to the other publicly available information in relation to the Company before making a
    decision whether or not to invest in the 2011 Options.
    In preparing this Prospectus regard has been given to the fact that the Company is a disclosing
    entity for the purposes of the Corporations Act and as such is subject to regular reporting and
    disclosure obligations. A list of announcements made to ASX is set out in this Prospectus. A
    copy of any announcement can be obtained free of charge by contacting the Company at the
    address in the Corporate Directory on the inside front cover. Copies of announcements can be
    obtained from the Company’s web site www.oropa.com.au.
    The Options offered by this Prospectus should be considered speculative.
    1. The Option Issue
    This Prospectus is issued by The Company for an offer of up to 13,280,376 Options at an issue
    price of $0.002 (0.2 cents) (“2011 Option Issue”) to raise up to $26,560.75 before costs of the
    Each Option will entitle the holder to subscribe for one Share, exercisable at 20 cents on or
    before 31 January 2011 (“2011 Options”) and otherwise be granted on the terms set out in
    Section 7 of this Prospectus. The 2011 Options will be offered to persons who were
    registered with the Company as holders of listed Options (ASX code: ORPOA) as at the
    Record Date, being 31 December 2007 (“2007 Option Holders”), which options have now
    The Directors reserve the right to place any shortfall of the 2011 Options not taken up by
    2007 Option Holders subject to the terms and conditions approved by the Company’s
    shareholders for the issue of the 2011 Options at a General Meeting of the Company held
    on 12 May 2008 (“General Meeting”).
    The issue of the 2011 Options was approved by shareholders at the General Meeting.
    Results of the General Meeting have been announced to ASX and posted on the Company’s
    The Company retains an absolute discretion on allocating 2011 Options under the Offer
    amongst 2007 Options Holders, or in the event of a shortfall among other persons, and reserves
    the right to allot to an applicant a lesser number of 2011 Options than the applicant applied for or
    to reject the application. If the number of 2011 Options allotted is fewer than the number applied
    for, surplus application money will be refunded without interest. The acceptance of applications
    and the allocation of 2011 Options is at the absolute discretion of the Company’s directors. In
    the event of an oversubscription the Company reserves the right to accept larger applications in
    priority (but is under no obligation to do so). The Company will not be liable to any person not
    allocated any 2011 Options.
    2007 Option Holders should note that by virtue of the matters referred to above, they are not
    automatically entitled to be allotted the same number of 2007 Options which they held.
    Application Monies Held in Trust
    All application monies will be held in trust until allotment. All interest earned on application
    monies (including those which do not result in allotment of 2011 Options) will be retained by the
    2. Capital Structure
    Existing Ordinary Shares 192,088,724
    Total number of Ordinary Shares on the completion of the 2011
    Option Issue (assuming no Options exercised) 192,088,724
    Number of existing listed Options (ORPO) expiring on 31
    January 2010, exercisable at 20 cents each 12,791,441
    Number of listed Options ORPOA that expired on 31 December
    2007 13,280,376
    Maximum Number of 2011 Options to be issued pursuant to this
    Prospectus 13,280,376
    3. Proforma Consolidated Balance Sheet
    An audited balance sheet of the Company as at 31 December 2007 has been released to ASX
    and ASIC. Following is a pro forma consolidated balance sheet of the Company as at 31
    December 2007 incorporating the audited accounts to 31 December 2007. The pro forma
    consolidated balance sheet is based on the Company’s audited balance sheet for the year
    ended 31 December 2007 adjusted to show the effects of the 2011 Option Issue as if it had been
    successfully completed on that date.
    Prospective investors may obtain, free of charge, copies of the latest financial reports lodged
    with ASIC and copies of any continuous disclosures notices lodged or provided after lodgment of
    the latest financial report by contacting the Company at any time during the application period
    specified in this Prospectus.
    Oropa Limited and Controlled Entities
    Audited Pro-forma
    Accounts 31 December 2007
    31 December 2007 Post Option Issue
    $ $
    Current Assets
    Cash and cash equivalents 738,385 754,946
    Trade and other receivables 122,929 122,929
    Financial assets 1,333 1,333
    Total Current Assets 862,647 879,208
    Non-Current Assets
    Plant & equipment 98,340 98,340
    Other 61,864 61,864
    Total Non-Current Assets 160,204 160,204
    Total Assets 1,022,851 1,039,412
    Current Liabilities
    Trade and other payables 167,910 167,910
    Provisions 370,732 370,732
    Other 27,270 27,270
    Total Current Liabilities 565,912 565,912
    Non-Current Liabilities
    Non interest bearing loans 36,544 36,544
    Total Non-Current Liabilities 36,544 36,544
    Total Liabilities 602,456 602,456
    Net Assets 420,395 436,956
    Issued capital 34,322,825 34,339,386
    Reserves 1,661,958 1,661,958
    Accumulated losses (35,662,839) (35,662,839)
    Total parent entity interest 321,944 338,505
    Minority interest in controlled entities 98,451 98,451
    Total Equity 420,395 436,956
    Prospective investors may obtain, free of charge, copies of the latest financial reports lodged
    with the ASIC and copies of any continuous disclosure notices lodged or provided after the
    lodgement of the latest financial reports by contacting the Company at any time during the
    application period specified in this Prospectus.
    4. Use of Funds
    It is intended that the funds raised by the 2011 Option Issue will be applied by the Company in
    the manner set out in the following table. The application of funds received from the 2011
    Option Issue is summarised below depending on the amount raised from this 2011 Option Issue.
    Description Use of Funds
    Cost of 2011 Option Issue $10,000.00
    Working Capital $16,560.75
    TOTAL $26,560.75
    5. The Company’s Projects
    The Company’s projects are described in more detail in the 2007 Annual Report and the 31
    December 2007 Half Yearly Report each of which has been lodged with ASX and consequently
    lodged with ASIC, and are deemed to be incorporated into this Prospectus as if set out in full.
    The 2007 Annual Report and the 31 December 2007 Half Yearly Report also contain detailed
    financial information about the Company. The 2007 Annual Report contains the 2007 Director’s
    Report. The information in the 2007 Annual Report and 31 December 2007 Half Yearly Report
    should be read in conjunction with this Prospectus, and as being updated or supplemented by
    the information contained in this Prospectus.
    The Company will provide free copies of the 2007 Annual Report and 31 December 2007 Half
    Yearly Report to anyone who requests them during the application period of this Prospectus.
    Copies may also be downloaded from the Company’s website www.oropa.com.au.
    6. When to Apply
    The Offer will be opened on 8 August 2008 and will remain open until 5:00pm (Perth, WA time)
    on 22 August 2008, subject to the right of the Company to either close this 2011 Option Issue at
    an earlier time and date or to extend the closing time and date without prior notice. Applicants
    are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.
    7. Application instructions
    All applications for the 2011 Options offered under this Prospectus must be made on an
    Application Form attached to or accompanying this Prospectus.
    Cheques must be made payable to “Oropa Limited” and crossed “Not Negotiable”. All payments
    must be in Australian currency.
    This Prospectus expires 13 months from the date of this Prospectus. No 2011 Options will be
    issues or allotted on the basis of this Prospectus later than 13 months after the date of this
    Completed Application Form and accompanying cheques should be sent to or lodged with:
    Oropa Limited
    PO Box 1013
    South Perth WA 6951
    Tel: 08 9368 4544
    Fax: 08 9368 4522
    Your completed Application Form and cheque must reach the Company no later than 5:00pm
    (Perth, WA time) on 22 August 2008 (the Closing Date). However, the Company may close the
    Offer early at any time, prior to the Closing Date. The Company may also extend the Closing
    Date at its sole discretion.
    8. Allotments
    The anticipated date for the Directors to issue the Options offered under this Prospectus is 24
    August 2008.
    The Directors reserve the right to place any shortfall of the 2011 Options not taken up by the
    2007 Option Holders at their sole discretion. The Company also reserves the right to issue 2011
    Options in response to Application Forms received after the Closing Date, but is under no
    obligation to do so. If a cheque for Application Monies is not honoured, the Company may at its
    election reject the Application (and cancel the allotment made in response to the Application) or
    issue some or all of the 2011 Options applied for and recover the Application Monies together
    with associated costs.
    9. Overseas Shareholders
    Applications by residents in countries outside Australia should consult their professional advisers
    as to whether any governmental or other consent are required or whether formalities need to be
    observed to enable them to accept this invitation to take up option under this Prospectus.
    Accordingly, this Prospectus does not constitute an offer in any place in which, to any person to
    whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer.
    10. Australian Stock Exchange Listing
    Application will be made to ASX within seven days after the date of this Prospectus for quotation
    of the 2011 Options granted to applicants under this Prospectus. The ASX takes no
    responsibility for the contents of this Prospectus.
    11. CHESS
    The Company participates in the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (“CHESS”).
    ASX Settlement and Transfer Corporation Pty Ltd (“ASTC”) a wholly owned subsidiary of the
    ASX, operated CHESS in accordance with the Listing Rules and the SCH Business Rules.
    Under CHESS, a shareholder will not receive a certificate, but will receive a statement of their
    holding in the Company.
    If a shareholder is broker sponsored, ATSC will send the shareholder a CHESS statement. The
    CHESS statement will set out the number of 2011 Options allotted to each option holder under
    this Prospectus, give details of the optionholder’s HIN and give the participant identification
    number of the sponsor.
    Optionholders registered on the Issuer Sponsored subregister, a statement will be dispatched by
    the Company’s Share Registry, and will contain the number of 2011 Options allotted under this
    Prospectus and the holder’s securityholder reference number (“SRN”).
    A CHESS statement or issuer sponsored statement will routinely be sent to shareholders and
    option holders at the end of any calendar month during which the balance of their shareholding
    or option holding changes. A shareholder or option holder may request a statement at any other
    time; however a charge may be made for additional statements.
    12. Risk Factors
    The future performance of the Company and the future investment performance of the 2011
    Options offered under this Prospectus may be influenced by a range of factors. Some of these
    factors can be mitigated. However, many are outside the control of the Company. Prior to
    making any decision to apply for or acquire the Company’s shares or options, investors should
    carefully consider the following general and specific risk factors applicable to the Company.
    (i) Future Capital Needs and Additional Funding
    Should the Company require additional funding to further explore and develop its current
    projects or any projects acquired in the future there can be no assurance that additional
    financing will be available on acceptable terms, or at all. An inability to obtain additional funding,
    if required, would have a material adverse effect on the Company’s ability to exploit the projects
    and its financial conditions and performance.
    (ii) Legislative Changes
    Should the Company require additional funding to further explore and develop its current
    projects or any projects acquired in the future, there can be no assurance that additional
    financing will be available on acceptable terms, or at all. Any inability to obtain additional
    funding, if required, would have a material adverse effect on the Company’s ability to exploit the
    projects and its financial condition and performance.
    (iii) General Economic Conditions
    Changes in the general economic climate in which the Company operates may adversely affect
    the financial performance of the Company. Factors which may contribute to that economic
    climate include the general level of economic activity, interest rates, inflation and other economic
    factors. The price of commodities and level of activity within the mining industry will also be of
    particular relevance to the Company.
    (iv) Unforeseen Expenses
    While the Company is not aware of any expenses that may need to be incurred that have not
    been taken into account, if such expenses were subsequently incurred, the expenditure
    proposals of the Company may be adversely affected.
    (v) Operation and Development
    By its nature, the business of exploration and mineral development which the Company may
    continue to participate in contains risks. Prosperity depends on the successful exploration and/or
    acquisition of reserves, design and construction of efficient processing facilities, competent
    operation and management and efficient financial management. For its part, exploration is a
    speculative endeavor, while mining operations can be hampered by force majeure
    circumstances, environment consideration and cost overruns for unforeseen events.
    (vi) Government Policy
    Capacity to explore and mine, as well as industry profitability generally, can be affected by
    changes in government policy which are beyond the control of the Company.
    (vii) Commodity Price Risk
    The Company’s prospects and share price will be influenced by the price obtained from time to
    time for the commodities targeted in its exploration programs. Commodity prices fluctuate and
    are affected by factors including the relationship between global supply and demand, forward
    selling by producers, the cost of production and general global economic conditions.
    Commodity prices are also affected by the outlook for inflation, interest rates, currency exchange
    rates and supply and demand issues. These factors may have an adverse affect on the
    Company’s prospects, as well as its ability to fund its future activities.
    (viii) Environmental risks
    The Company’s operations and projects are subject to laws and regulations regarding
    environmental hazards. The Company intends to conduct its activities in an environmentally
    responsible manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    (ix) Share Market Risk
    The market price of shares can be expected to rise and fall in accordance with the general
    market conditions and factors specifically affecting the Australian resources sector and
    exploration companies in particular.
    Neither the Company nor its Directors warrant the future performance of the Company or any
    return on investment in shares or options.
    13. Current Directors
    The Directors of the Company at the date of this Prospectus are:
    • Brian J Hurley AWASM, MAusIMM
    • Phillip C J Christie
    (Chief Executive Officer)
    • Roderick G Murchison
    (Non Executive Director)
    • Bruce N V Tomich B.Sc(Hons)
    (Non Executive Director)
    • Misha A Collins CFA
    (Non Executive Director)
    14. Company History
    The Company was incorporated as a public company and was admitted to the ASX on 31 March
    15. Issued and New Equity
    Ordinary Fully Paid Shares
    Number $
    192,088,724 Existing Fully Paid Ordinary Shares (ASX: ORP) 35,566,724
    Costs of the 2011 Option Issue (10,000)
    192,088,724 Total All Shares * 35,555,724
    Number Description Exercise Price Expiry Date
    Options Offered pursuant to 2010 Option
    Issue 20 cents 31 January 2010
    Options offered pursuant to 2011 Option
    Issue * 20 cents 31 January 2011
    Total Options
    *Options to be issued as approved by shareholders at the Company’s General Meeting
    held on 12 May 2008. Further details are set out below.
    16. Rights Attaching To The Shares
    Set out below is a summary of the rights attaching to ordinary fully paid shares in the Company.
    Voting Rights
    Subject to the Constitution of the Company and to any rights or restrictions attaching to any
    class of shares at a general meeting, every shareholder or class of shareholder present in Perth
    or by proxy, attorney or representative has:
    (a) one vote on a show of hands; and
    (b) on a poll:
    i. one vote each fully paid share; and
    ii. voting rights pro rata to the amount paid upon each partly paid share held by the
    General Meetings
    Subject to the Constitution of the Company, the ASX Listing Rules and to the terms of issue of
    general meeting of the Company, are to receive all notices, accounts and other documents
    required to be furnished to shareholders under the Constitution of the Company or the
    Corporations Act.
    Dividend Rights
    Subject to the right of holders of shares issued with any special or preferential rights (at present
    there are none), the profits of the Company, which the Directors may from time to time
    determine to distribute by way of dividend, are divisible among the shareholders in proportion to
    the shares held by them respectively, irrespective of the amount paid up or credited as paid up
    on the shares, An amount paid or credited as being paid on shares in advance of a call is not to
    be taken as paid or credited for the purpose of determining the entitlement of a shareholder to
    dividends. Dividends may be paid in cash, by granting options or issuing shares or transferring
    Rights on Winding Up
    Subject to the rights of holders or shares issues with any special or preferential rights (at present
    there are none), all shares entitle the holders thereof in a winding up to participate equally in the
    distribution of the assets of the Company subject only to any amounts unpaid on the share.
    Transfer of Shares
    Subject to the constitution of the Company, the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules, the
    shares in the Company are freely transferable.
    Future Increases in Capital
    The allotment and use of any share is under the control of the Directors of the Company. Subject
    to restrictions on the allotment of shares to Directors or their associates, the ASX Listing Rules,
    the Constitution of the Company and the Corporations Act, the Board may allot or otherwise
    dispose of shares on such terms and conditions as it considers appropriate.
    Variation of Rights
    At present the Company only has fully paid and partly paid shares on issue. If shares of another
    class were issued, the rights and privileges attaching to ordinary shares could only be altered
    with the consent in writing of the holders of three quarters of the votes that may be cast in
    respect of the issued ordinary shares or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a
    separate General Meeting of the holders of ordinary shares (ie. By a three quarters majority of
    such holders as being entitled to vote at that meeting).
    17. Terms of Options
    Options offered under this Prospectus shall entitle the holder to apply for and be allotted one
    ordinary fully paid share in Oropa Limited at an exercise price of 20 cents per share on the
    following terms and conditions:
    (a) the options expire at 5:00pm Western Australia Standard Time on 31
    January 2011 (“Expiry Date”)
    (b) each option entitles the holder to apply for one share at an exercise price of
    20 cents (“exercise price”) payable in cash in full on application;
    (c) share issues on exercise of the option will rank equally in all respects with
    the then existing issued fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the
    Company from the date of issue and will be subject to the Constitution of the
    Company. The Company will apply to the ASX for quotation of the share
    issues upon the exercise of options;
    (d) the option may be exercised in whole or in part;
    (e) the option may be transferred at any time subject to and in accordance with
    the Corporations Law, the SCH Business Rules and/or the Listing Rules;
    (f) any notices of exercise of any of the options received by the Company prior
    to the Expiry Date will be deemed to be a notice of exercise of any of the
    options received by the Company prior to the Expiry Date will be deemed to
    be a notice of exercise received on the earlier of the Expiry Date or the last
    business day of the month in which the notice is received.
    (g) There are no participating rights or entitlements inherent in the options to
    participate in any new issues of capital which may be offered to
    shareholders of the Company from time to time prior to the Expiry Date. The
    Company will notify holders of any proposed issue at least 10 business days
    before the record date in order to give holders sufficient opportunity to
    exercise their options if they wish; and
    (h) In event of any reconstruction of the issued capital of the Company, the
    rights of holders of the options will be re-organised to the extent necessary
    to comply with the ASX Listing Rules applying to a reorganisation of capital
    at the time of the reorganisation.
    18. Dividends
    The Company did not pay a dividend for the financial year ended 30 June 2008.
    The payment of any future dividends will be dependant upon the Company undertaking activities
    to generate revenue and profits. Any future determination as to the payment of dividends by the
    Company will be at the discretion of the Directors and will depend upon the availability of
    distributable earnings, the operating results and financial condition of the Company, future
    capital requirements, general business and financial conditions and other factors considered
    relevant by the Directors. No assurance in relation to the payment of future dividends or the
    franking credits attached to such dividends can be given to shareholders.
    19. ASX Announcements
    The following announcements (continuous disclosure notices) have been made by the Company
    after lodgment of the financial statements contained in the 31 December 2007 Half Yearly
    Report and before the issue of this Prospectus.
    • 04/08/2008 Appendix 3Y - Change of Director`s Interest Notice x 5
    • 31/07/2008 Quarterly Activities Report with Appendix 5B
    • 15/07/2008 Appendix 3B - New Issue Announcement
    • 14/07/2008 Issue of Shares - Placement
    • 08/07/2008 Letter to Shareholders
    • 08/07/2008 Appendix 3X Initial Director`s Interest Notice
    • 08/07/2008 Appointment of Director
    • 06/06/2008 Appendix 3B New Issue Announcement
    • 27/05/2008 Total Pungkut Resources Top 1 Million Ounces
    • 19/05/2008 Detailed Sampling Results From Malawi Sampling Programs
    • 15/05/2008 Change of Director`s Interest Notices x 4
    • 15/05/2008 Appendix 3B - New Issue Announcement
    • 15/05/2008 Bonanza Grades Intercepted at Ali Vein
    • 13/05/2008 Results of General Meeting
    • 12/05/2008 Encouraging Results From Initial Sampling Programs Malawi
    • 30/04/2008 Quarterly Activities Report with Cashflow
    • 14/04/2008 Notice of General Meeting for the Shareholders of Oropa Ltd
    • 26/03/2008 Progress Report
    • 17/03/2008 Change in substantial holding
    • 17/03/2008 Form 604 Notice of Change of Interests of Substantial Holder
    • 17/03/2008 Becoming a substantial holder
    • 14/03/2008 Half Yearly Report and Accounts
    • 14/03/2008 Appendix 3B 14 March 2008
    • 14/03/2008 Oropa Raises Additional Funds
    • 11/02/2008 PowerPoint Presentation 11 February 2008
    • 31/01/2008 Quarterly Activities Report with Cashflow
    • 30/01/2008 Progress Report - Further Significant Gold Hits
    • 29/01/2008 Further Amended Change of Director`s Interest Notice
    • 29/01/2008 Amended Change of Director`s Interest Notice
    • 29/01/2008 Change of Director`s Interest Notice Appendix 3Y
    • 23/01/2008 Oropa Limited`s Uranium Portfolio Expands
    • 15/01/2008 Further Encouraging Gold Hits - Sihayo 1 North Resource
    • 11/01/2008 Lapsed Options
    Any person may request, and the Company will provide free a charge, a copy of any
    announcement during the application period of this Prospectus. The Company from time to time
    makes announcements to the ASX in accordance with its continuous disclosure obligations and
    the ASX Listing Rules. Announcements can be viewed by visiting the website of ASX,
    www.asx.com.au, or the Company’s website www.oropa.com.au.
    20. Tenements
    A list of the tenements comprising the Company’s projects is contained in the 2007 Annual
    Report, as updated by the Company’s 31 December 2007 Half Yearly Report. Free copies of
    these documents can be obtained from the Company during the application period of this
    Prospectus. Copies can also be downloaded from the Company’s website www.oropa.com.au.
    21. Cost of the Option issue
    The estimates costs associated with this 2011 Option Issue are as follows:
    Costs Subscription
    Legal, ASIC, and ASX Fees, printing,
    postage and dispatch costs
    Total $10,000
    22. Taxation Implications
    The Company’s Directors consider that it is not appropriate to give investors advice regarding
    the taxation consequences of subscribing for 2011 Options under this Prospectus. The
    Company, its advisers and its officers do not accept any responsibility or liability for any taxation
    consequences. As a result, investors should consult their own professional tax advisers in
    connection with subscribing for 2011 Options under this Prospectus.
    23. Directors’ Interests
    Except as disclosed in this Prospectus, no Director or proposed Director has, or has had within
    two years of lodgment of this Prospectus, any interest in:
    (a) the formation or promotion of the Company; or
    (b) any property acquired or proposed to be acquired by the Company in
    connection with its formation or promotion or the Option issue; or
    (c) the 2011 Option Issue as provided for in this Prospectus.
    Except as disclosed in this Prospectus, no person has paid or agreed to pay any amount to any
    Director or has given or agreed to give any benefit to any director, to induce the Director to
    become, or to qualify as a Director of the Company or otherwise for services rendered by the
    Director in connection with the formation or promotion of the Company or the 2011 Option Issue.
    Directors’ Interests in Shares and Options
    As at the date of this Prospectus, the Directors’ direct and indirect interests in shares and listed
    options in the Company are as follows:
    Director Shares Listed
    Brian Hurley 741,092 - 2,200,000
    Philip C J Christie 574,852 25,202 2,700,000
    Roderick G Murchison 749,852 101,408 1,300,000
    Bruce N V Tomich 239,000 - 1,300,000
    Misha Collins 15,665,000 - 1,000,000
    Directors’ Remuneration
    Director Year ended 30 June
    1 July 2007 to the date of
    this Prospectus
    Brian Hurley 44,544 46,540
    Philip C J Christie 216,016 236,680
    Roderick G Murchison 49,472 47,483
    Bruce N V Tomich 31,213 30,360
    Misha Collins - -
    Non-executive Directors are also entitled to be paid reasonable travelling, accommodation and
    other expenses incurred in consequence of their attendance at Board meetings and otherwise in
    the execution of their duties as Directors. Where the Company requests non-executive Directors
    or their related entities to perform annual services outside the normal scope of their duties as
    Directors, further amounts may be paid at ordinary commercial rates for such services.
    Further details of the remuneration of Directors are set out in the Remuneration Report
    contained in the Company’s 30 June 2007 Annual Report. A copy of that report will be provided
    free to anyone who requests it during the application period of this Prospectus. A copy may also
    be downloaded from the Company’s website www.oropa.com.au.
    24. Consents
    Stanton International has given, and not withdrawn before the lodgment of this Prospectus, its
    written consent to being named in this Prospectus as the Company’s Auditor. Stanton
    International was not involved in the preparation of any part of this Prospectus other than the
    Audit Report and Auditor’s Independence Letter forming part of the Company’s 31 December
    2007 Half Yearly Report which is taken to be incorporated in and forms part of this Prospectus,
    and expressly disclaims and takes no responsibility for any part of this Prospectus other than a
    reference to its name and the Audit Report and Auditor’s Independence Letter.
    25. Privacy Act
    By completing an Application Form, investors will be providing information to the Company
    (directly or via the Share Registry). The Company collects, holds and will use that information to
    assess the application and, in the case of a successful application, communicate with
    shareholders in relation to shareholding and the activities of the Company.
    The information received by the Company may also be disclosed to persons inspecting the
    register, bidders for shares in the context of takeovers, regulatory bodies, authorised share
    brokers, print service providers, mail houses and the Company’s Share Registry’s personnel, or
    as otherwise required or permitted by the Corporations Act and other laws.
    Shareholders will be able to access, correct and update the personal information held by the
    Company in relation to them by contacting the Company or the Share Registry.
    In accordance with the Corporations Act, you may be sent material (including marketing
    material) approved by the Company in addition to general corporate communications. You may
    elect not to receive marketing material by contacting the share registry. The Company will
    continue to send you general corporate communications as required by law.
    Collection, maintenance and disclosure of certain personal information are governed by
    legislation including the Privacy Act 1988, the Corporation Act and certain rules applicable to
    ASX listed shares.
    26. Enquiries
    If you have any questions about the desirability of or procedure for investing, please contact your
    stockbroker, accountant or independent licensed financial adviser.
    27. Lodgment
    The Directors state that they have made all reasonable enquiries and on the basis have
    reasonable grounds to believe that any statements made by the Directors in the Prospectus are
    not misleading or deceptive and that in respect to any other statements made in this Prospectus
    by persons other than Directors, the Directors have made reasonable enquiries and on that
    basis have reasonable grounds to believe that persons making the statements were competent
    to make such statements, those persons have given their consent to the statement being
    included in this Prospectus in the form and context in which they are included and have not
    withdrawn that content before lodgment of this Prospectus with the ASIC, or the Directors
    knowledge, before any issue of Options pursuant to the Prospectus.
    Each of the Directors of Oropa Limited have consented to the lodgment of this Prospectus in
    accordance with Section 720 of the Corporations Act 2001 and have not withdrawn that consent.
    Philip Christie
    Dated: 8 August 2008

    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    1/1/2003 Appendix 3B Page 1
    Rule 2.7, 3.10.3, 3.10.4, 3.10.5
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement,
    application for quotation of additional securities
    and agreement
    Information or documents not available now must be given to ASX as soon as available. Information and
    documents given to ASX become ASX’s property and may be made public.
    Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 5. Amended 1/7/98, 1/9/99, 1/7/2000, 30/9/2001, 11/3/2002, 1/1/2003.
    Name of entity
    77 009 241 374
    We (the entity) give ASX the following information.
    Part 1 - All issues
    You must complete the relevant sections (attach sheets if there is not enough space).
    1 +Class of +securities issued or to be
    2 Number of +securities issued or to
    be issued (if known) or maximum
    number which may be issued
    3 Principal terms of the +securities
    (eg, if options, exercise price and
    expiry date; if partly paid
    +securities, the amount outstanding
    and due dates for payment; if
    +convertible securities, the
    conversion price and dates for
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 3B Page 2 1/1/2003
    4 Do the +securities rank equally in all
    respects from the date of allotment
    with an existing +class of quoted
    If the additional securities do not
    rank equally, please state:
    • the date from which they do
    • the extent to which they
    participate for the next dividend,
    (in the case of a trust,
    distribution) or interest payment
    • the extent to which they do not
    rank equally, other than in
    relation to the FP next dividend,
    distribution or interest payment
    5 Issue price or consideration
    6 Purpose of the issue
    (If issued as consideration for the
    acquisition of assets, clearly identify
    those assets)
    7 Dates of entering +securities into
    uncertificated holdings or despatch
    of certificates
    24 AUGUST 2008
    Number +Class
    8 Number and +class of all
    +securities quoted on ASX
    (including the securities in clause
    2 if applicable)
    31 JANUARY 2010
    31 JANUARY 2011
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    1/1/2003 Appendix 3B Page 3
    Number +Class
    9 Number and +class of all
    +securities not quoted on ASX
    (including the securities in clause
    2 if applicable)
    31 DECEMBER 2009
    20 OCTOBER 2008
    10 Dividend policy (in the case of a
    trust, distribution policy) on the
    increased capital (interests)
    Part 2 - Bonus issue or pro rata issue
    11 Is security holder approval
    12 Is the issue renounceable or nonrenounceable?
    13 Ratio in which the +securities will
    be offered
    14 +Class of +securities to which the
    offer relates
    15 +Record date to determine
    16 Will holdings on different registers
    (or subregisters) be aggregated for
    calculating entitlements?
    17 Policy for deciding entitlements in
    relation to fractions
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 3B Page 4 1/1/2003
    18 Names of countries in which the
    entity has +security holders who
    will not be sent new issue
    Note: Security holders must be told how their
    entitlements are to be dealt with.
    Cross reference: rule 7.7.
    19 Closing date for receipt of
    acceptances or renunciations
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    1/1/2003 Appendix 3B Page 5
    20 Names of any underwriters
    21 Amount of any underwriting fee or
    22 Names of any brokers to the issue
    23 Fee or commission payable to the
    broker to the issue
    24 Amount of any handling fee
    payable to brokers who lodge
    acceptances or renunciations on
    behalf of +security holders
    25 If the issue is contingent on
    +security holders’ approval, the
    date of the meeting
    26 Date entitlement and acceptance
    form and prospectus or Product
    Disclosure Statement will be sent to
    persons entitled
    27 If the entity has issued options, and
    the terms entitle option holders to
    participate on exercise, the date on
    which notices will be sent to option
    28 Date rights trading will begin (if
    29 Date rights trading will end (if
    30 How do +security holders sell their
    entitlements in full through a
    31 How do +security holders sell part
    of their entitlements through a
    broker and accept for the balance?
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 3B Page 6 1/1/2003
    32 How do +security holders dispose
    of their entitlements (except by sale
    through a broker)?
    33 +Despatch date
    Part 3 - Quotation of securities
    You need only complete this section if you are applying for quotation of securities
    34 Type of securities
    (tick one)
    (a) �� Securities described in Part 1
    All other securities
    Example: restricted securities at the end of the escrowed period, partly paid securities that become fully paid, employee
    incentive share securities when restriction ends, securities issued on expiry or conversion of convertible securities
    Entities that have ticked box 34(a)
    Additional securities forming a new class of securities
    Tick to indicate you are providing the information or
    35 If the +securities are +equity securities, the names of the 20 largest holders of the
    additional +securities, and the number and percentage of additional +securities held by
    those holders
    36 If the +securities are +equity securities, a distribution schedule of the additional
    +securities setting out the number of holders in the categories
    1 - 1,000
    1,001 - 5,000
    5,001 - 10,000
    10,001 - 100,000
    100,001 and over
    37 A copy of any trust deed for the additional +securities
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    1/1/2003 Appendix 3B Page 7
    Entities that have ticked box 34(b)
    38 Number of securities for which
    +quotation is sought
    39 Class of +securities for which
    quotation is sought
    40 Do the +securities rank equally in all
    respects from the date of allotment
    with an existing +class of quoted
    If the additional securities do not
    rank equally, please state:
    • the date from which they do
    • the extent to which they
    participate for the next dividend,
    (in the case of a trust,
    distribution) or interest payment
    • the extent to which they do not
    rank equally, other than in
    relation to the next dividend,
    distribution or interest payment
    41 Reason for request for quotation
    Example: In the case of restricted securities, end of
    restriction period
    (if issued upon conversion of
    another security, clearly identify that
    other security)
    Number +Class
    42 Number and +class of all +securities
    quoted on ASX (including the
    securities in clause 38)
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 3B Page 8 1/1/2003
    Quotation agreement
    1 +Quotation of our additional +securities is in ASX’s absolute discretion. ASX may
    quote the +securities on any conditions it decides.
    2 We warrant the following to ASX.
    • The issue of the +securities to be quoted complies with the law and is not for
    an illegal purpose.
    • There is no reason why those +securities should not be granted +quotation.
    • An offer of the +securities for sale within 12 months after their issue will
    not require disclosure under section 707(3) or section 1012C(6) of the
    Corporations Act.
    Note: An entity may need to obtain appropriate warranties from subscribers for the securities in order to be able to give
    this warranty
    • Section 724 or section 1016E of the Corporations Act does not apply to any
    applications received by us in relation to any +securities to be quoted and
    that no-one has any right to return any +securities to be quoted under
    sections 737, 738 or 1016F of the Corporations Act at the time that we
    request that the +securities be quoted.
    • We warrant that if confirmation is required under section 1017F of the
    Corporations Act in relation to the +securities to be quoted, it has been
    provided at the time that we request that the +securities be quoted.
    • If we are a trust, we warrant that no person has the right to return the
    +securities to be quoted under section 1019B of the Corporations Act at the
    time that we request that the +securities be quoted.
    Appendix 3B
    New issue announcement
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    1/1/2003 Appendix 3B Page 9
    3 We will indemnify ASX to the fullest extent permitted by law in respect of any
    claim, action or expense arising from or connected with any breach of the warranties
    in this agreement.
    4 We give ASX the information and documents required by this form. If any
    information or document not available now, will give it to ASX before +quotation of
    the +securities begins. We acknowledge that ASX is relying on the information and
    documents. We warrant that they are (will be) true and complete.
    Sign here: ............................................................ Date: 8 August 2008.
    Print name: Philip C Christie.
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