Did you not notice I mentioned there are other ways of raising capital apart from dilution?
Pre-sales is one. If financiers are convinced to give us a loan, on restricted terms that disallow selling onto the market before a black out time that will fox you!
Yes, yes, overburden and strip ratio. BUT. This is a shallow mine in a concentrated area. This is a cheap form of mining. You've got preconceptions there. The value of the resource is high, compared with iron ore for instance. It's in a concentrated area, not low value iron ore spread around (and you're not scratching to make ends meet with high transportation costs, high power costs, high wages etc etc. dealt with in earlier posts).
That's a colossal difference. Do you not have a sense of proportion when you talk about the opex?
If you refuse to consider the relevance of San Felipe in terms of likely mine cost and opex methods, and compare and contrast the geographical features of Oposura and the known drill results, plus the costs of operating in Mexico in that region then you aren't prepared to look at the detail.
Reasonable discussion will be entered into on the facts. And logical assumptions.