Just look at that budget- $24billion on infrastructure! Jeez! ACX- what a windfall it would have been!
Oh well. Someone at the bank did the figures for me: 27% compounding over 17 years. Not a bad return after all. My younger brother estimates the net (pre-tax) return to the 5 of us from ACX at a high 7 figure number. Not bad- though some of us did better than others. A question of strategy in the end. And of getting in at the beginning.
Which brings me to the latest IPO of interest, which goes to market in about a week- it's 1414 Degrees. Topically, it's about energy storage- with the IPO at 35 cents. Prospectus is, of course, out. My older brother is keen on it- and he was one that saw the ACX potential with clear eyes. He would have kept ACX "forever".
Of course, I'm also keen on UPD, as mentioned, amongst one or two others.