Wow ! That's a fair old manifesto you've got going there Mick ....

  1. 12,828 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Wow ! That's a fair old manifesto you've got going there Mick .

    Not that I disagree with parts of it but the likelyhood of getting some of those changes through would be pretty low I imagine .

    Review Mabo and remove the petroleum pricing mechanism ? Good luck with that .

    As to why MOC's aren't exploring the outback . Couple of reasons . It is likely we don't have any large conventional hydrocarbon resources to find . Previously , MOC's spent a fair bit of time out there and if they could , they would be mining it . It appears that we may have some significant shale oil resources but unfortunately they are economically stranded . Unlike the US which is experiencing a shale boom in the middle of significant infrastructure with a local skilled workforce . That's why they're developing theirs and we're not . Also , as their economy is fundamentally different to ours , local energy produced cheaply has a much bigger effect on their economy .

    I would argue that 911 didn't change their minds , the election of the democrats did . I can recall in Obama's inaugural speech he highlighted the issues associated with ' foreign oil ' .

    Considering the influence that the lock the gate campaigners are having in Australia , you can understand why any company is reluctant to invest shareholders funds when they can go somewhere else . Another reason why it's working in the US and not here .

    This would require a change in thinking for Australians , a cultural change if you like , for some of your ideas to be progressed imo.

    I do see where you're coming from though . In general I think we are missing a great opportunity here because at this time in Australia we've got it too good . And , it's not going to last forever .

    As to changing the things that you've highlighted , I would take a different tack . We are connected to global markets whether we like it or not . So , we can't really pick and choose as we would like . What we could do however , is reduce our reliance on imported products such as fuel by changing our behaviours . That's something we can do here without trying to change global systems . Unfortunately , once again , it would require cultural change . Considering the arguing that's going on with the carbon tax repeal and solar panel subsidies , until we all start looking at the big picture instead of ourselves , I don't think we are going to get very far .

    In some ways , I think we're fiddling while Rome burns.
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