Geez Mick , sounds like you need to start a political party !
But seriously , we do have a culture of avoiding tax and being a bit selfish in Australia I think . Can't really blame them though as our political system kind of promotes this . People seem to be generally self focussed and only think about politics at election time .
It would be nice if we had a bipartisan nation building policy a bit more like some European countries . I have said many times that we're fiddling while Rome burns in Australia . We are so blessed with advantages and we are not making the best of them imho .
Anyway , this isn't the politics forum so we'd better get back to energy . I follow what's going on in the green energy space a bit ( nerd , not greeny ) and I'm amazed at what's going on in the US at the moment . There's a lot more going on than people realize . Maybe I should start a thread about it ?