GPP 0.00% 0.1¢ greenpower energy limited

From the same meeting: "The same JW? that was along with GSM...

  1. 4,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    From the same meeting:
    "The same JW? that was along with GSM very excited with the Robello exploration as well. He mentioned that he has in fact worked with the person who previously worked in the area at the historical GGMC sites with outstanding grades obtained".
    "John Watts will be going to Guyana before years end - if all things being good they will try to organise drill rigs and just park them there so it can allow them to drill through the wet, all be it slowly as indicated in previous announcements".

    Or the same meeting from which:
    "As I had the impression GK understands the Company's and Shareholder sentiment, that the projects timeline needs fast tracking as much as possible, as GK implied, urgency is required on OHD just quietly"

    His idea of urgency leaves a lot to be desired unfortunately because the OHD project is "making some inroads" to a commercial plan after the market study is completed, while we wait on an over due Monash report as we go "cap in hand" to secure government funds but lets just slip them a few more KMP performance bonuses.
    Meanwhile promising to keep shareholders updated as bullet items are completed.
    Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 10.09.20 AM.png
    So I can only take from the lack of an update the final report hasn't been completed?

    Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 10.09.40 AM.png
    The recent failed application seeking project feasibility funding ($570K) for a commercial pilot plant may indeed provide the "watershed" but it may be in the form of tears as our names is decisively missing from the successful applicants list.

    Things said at a general meeting can be taken with a grain of salt, I mean they want your votes and showing enthusiasm is paramount to achieving that goal along with adding a few little snippets of "hey, look at us, we are doing so much work".

    All the above IMO only
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