It is certainly getting to the business end of things with fracking starting in only a few days.
It only takes one week to frack the Well and that week is next week.
I believe the market has been holding back Oilex because they want to see that the frack is successful and that it doesn’t go the way of 76-H with mechanical issues before the smart money (institutions) commit to enter the market this time with an investment in a big way.
The share price has been trading sideways to slightly down over the past week or so on the AIM. This indicates to me that the institutional investors have been setting a trading trap for novice traders by dropping the price with low volume to influence sells while the spread significantly widening to the upside. On the event the frack is successful and complete, the majority of risk on 77-H will be removed and only clean up and flow test remaining.
After fracking, if 77-H appears to flow well during cleanup operations, I would almost certainly bet this rumour will get out somewhere even if the exact figures are not known so I will be watching the market carefully at this time to see where the money is or goes.
Kick the tyres and light the fires Schlumberger!
RM – a picture at night with a ripping flame out of the top of 77-H would be brilliant!