Einstein, Third world countries have an empoverished working...

  1. 7,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    Einstein, Third world countries have an empoverished working class and bugger all middle class;
    just a few despots and their crony elite owning rthe rest. We have a relatively well of working class and a sizeable
    middle class

    Your arguement seems spurious for this reason.

    Our problem is foreign ownership of our key resources and the reluctance of these
    foreigners to pay Aussie Tax. We are paying over $20 billion a year of interest on
    Commonwealth, State & Municipal borrowings and we simply have to make these
    corporations pay their fair share of tax.

    I'm very dissappointed with the resentment of seemingly good Australians on
    these boards towards taxing those who benefit from our resources and markets
    particuluarly when those who are against higher taxes by those who can afford to pay have
    personally benefited by being part of Australia that has lived beyond its means.

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