Well done NZ I love the argument of pro gun people, its always...

  1. 933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    Well done NZ

    I love the argument of pro gun people, its always the standard response:

    "guns don't kill people, people kill people"
    "guns aren't the problem, people are"
    "when you give up your cricket bat (or any other sporting equipment), ill give up my guns"
    "If someone wants to kill someone else they will regardless if they have a gun"
    "they will just get the gun illegally"

    Well my response:

    1. Yes people do kill people, how many gun deaths are accidents and suicides compared to mass shootings? How many times do you hear of a kid killing themselves or a sibling with a gun? or some middle aged man hunting down a 10 year old because he killed him too many times on call of duty? Why make it easier?
    2. I agree people are the problem, there are a lot of deranged/mentally ill people out there (and yes we need to do more with mentally ill people but thats another discussion). I'm sorry but the needs of the many outweigh the wants of the few.
    3. As soon as my cricket bat kills 50 people in 17 mins happy to.
    4. Yes but 50 people in 17 mins? its a numbers game here, even if he ran in with samurai swords he would have had to be incredibly fit to kill 50 people
    5. Yes you could get it on the black market but a) you need a contact to get one, its not like you can just ask a random and b) they are much more expensive

    For those people who claim protection, well its a sad society we live in where you are in fear of being killed constantly. If I go through life without touching or firing a gun well thats fine by me.
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