Sounds like you have an agenda and want to stir up crap about...

  1. 17,255 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 276
    Sounds like you have an agenda and want to stir up crap about Australians which all decent KIWI's have gone out of their way not to do. Let me guess...are you one of the other KIWI types?
    It isn't about being touchy, it is about agenda driven zealots and I sincerely hope you are not one.
    When talking about the ball tamper did all commentary commence with Australian Dave Warner and Australian Steve Smith? That would have more validity because they were representing Australia. Australia cricket culture would also take some responsibility for the action. By drawing the analogy between the two you are saying that Australia has some responsibility for the actions of the murderer. That may be your intention but unless Australia is responsible for breeding right wing extremists then the fact that he was born in Australia has little relevance.
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