No worries Rickaroonie. All good. I get why so many are frustrated and even though we are all shareholders, I get why more long-term shareholders will likely be more frustrated than more recent shareholders.
Still, I don't want to see APG go down the drain. Hopefully the various current negotiations actually go somewhere.
All I'm saying is what if the removal actually causes great harm because the MD then has the right to immediate payment of accrued employment benefits etc? Also, if a great replacement director cannot be found, then does the removal actually help? And I'll also make clear that I am not commenting on the current MD's suitability in any manner because that's not the point of my posts and I do not know enough to make an informed comment at this stage.
My point is that the shareholders driving this action should give consideration to these issues. However, people will do what they want to do and I've made my point, so for the moment I'll leave it be and see if anyone else has any views (whether in agreement or disagreement).
In the end, I hope APG recovers and everyone - long-term and more recent shareholders - make some decent money and recover any losses.