North Korea’s nuclear weapons just magically disappeared., page-76

  1. 22,237 Posts.
    heres a snippet of news that hasnt been reported in the western press. even tho the westerm media is intent on portraying trump as the loser in this. fact is that the powers that be want war and they want to use the us forces in sk to aid in that war. even the republican party heavyweights want war. the whole world wants war but it seems only trump wants peace.

    the south korean president actually ran on a platform of unification.

    anyway i digress - the asian press has said that this meeting, held in singapore for kims benefit, was not the first time trump has spoken to kim???

    i cant believe that the media, trumps own party, our left here, and many in between want trump to fail.

    you're all despicable
    Last edited by bruceyg: 15/06/18
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