North Korea’s nuclear weapons just magically disappeared., page-74

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12

    Thanks for the reply jambo, I look forward to them immensely.

    Not asking why the North Koreans aren't rising up and wouldn't expect them to.

    Simply asking what is the difference between the treatment dished out to that scumbag Hussein, his family and military leadership and the treatment now being extended to Kim, his family and military leadership by the Americans. The similarities between those families and their deeds is striking. One mass murderer get the rope and the other gets a free pass and the loot. It's a fair enough question. I mean, one of Dubya's reasons for Gulf War II was that the Iraqi's tried to kill his dad. Here we have a situation where a despotic regime does actually kill an American citizen and Trump respects Kim's "toughness".

    Anyway, on a lighter note have you seen this picture of President Dipshit, Commander in Chief saluting a Lefty, Commie North Korean general? The old bastard with the upside down pisspot on his head looks sort of amused but Kim is like WTF! along with 99.9% of US servicemen and women no doubt.


    Trump has no friggin' clue...
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