Let me blow more holes in your BS. Here's the facts; 1) Mueller...

  1. 7,932 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    Let me blow more holes in your BS. Here's the facts;

    1) Mueller did NOT exonerate Trump of committing crimes

    2) Congress or the public has not even seen the Mueller report and you have no idea what it contains

    3) We don't know what Muller meant about obstruction by Trump

    4) We know Trump had several SECRET meetings with Russians that he went to great lengths to conceal and Trump LIED about it.

    5) There is currently is more then 15 other investigations into Trump and his businesses.

    6) Trump could clear his name if he has nothing to hide by making his tax returns public as every other president for decades. He lied about being audited so he couldn't.

    Trump lies and lies and lies like no other president in history. He is the worst president even beating out Richard Nixon.
    Last edited by jimk3758: 28/03/19
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