Another nice article....

  1. 11,472 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Another nice article.

    Here is the google translation of the article on Bruno. Sorry, the translation page has lots of paragraph breaks:

    The Brazilian who is creating a criptomoeda
    Programmer Bruno Alano, 22, joined nine other programmers around the world to develop the ECC, which is worth 149 million reais

    Artificial intelligence programmer and researcher Bruno Alano was just looking for a way to invest his money when he started researching on virtual currencies at the end of last year.

    But he liked the idea so much that he eventually became the developer of a currency, the ECC, which is worth $ 46.1 million ($ 149 million) today.

    Created in 2014, the currency was at a slow pace when Alano joined a group of nine people around the world to redeem the project and made ECC a promising business. "I joined the ECC community to invest, but I decided to join the team because I believe in the currency," says Alano.

    In a universe with more than 1,500 encrypted coins, the ECC is in the 223 most valuable position, but the plan is to rise. "We are in a stage of professionalization and soon we will have everything ready," says Alano.

    During the day, he engages in the Neurologic artificial intelligence startup of which he is a partner, while nights and weekends are focused on developing ECC projects such as creating a currency portfolio for the MAC system and improving coin.

    Alano is the extreme example of a market that is growing more and more in the country and has an ecosystem that shelters from virtual currency brokers to a stock exchange to negotiate them, which will be launched soon.

    The three largest Brazilian bitcoin exchange houses - the most well-known and most valuable currency - had more than 1.4 million people registered at the end of last year, more than twice as many people registered on the Brazilian exchange, B3.

    The big frenzy prompted the Securities and Exchange Commission to prohibit managers and fund managers from investing in criptomoedas in January.

    The Central Bank has also made constant warnings about the risks of these currencies and their "typical bubble and pyramid" behavior.

    In the universe of so many coins, each one has a different proposal. Bitcoin aims to be a kind of currency that allows payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.

    Etherium, on the other hand, was created with the proposal to allow the creation of intelligent contracts, storing all the files on an encrypted basis.

    In ECC the objective is to have multiple functionalities, with a platform that would allow from the storage of data to the exchange of messages.

    This is possible because, while other currencies have only one database to store the information, the ECC has multiple databases, which can store different types of information in different places.

    "It's like a tree with its ramifications and each one with a function. This solves a problem that other currencies have that is to save everything in the same database and over time, it becomes impossible to find anything, "Alano explains.

    The coin was created in 2014, but remained an abandoned project until mid-2016 when Griffith, one of the creators of the coin Bitcoin Cash - the third most valuable crypto-currency - rescued the project. Griffith is the pseudonym of an unknown American, as well as that of the famous Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin.

    The pseudonyms, constantly used, are part of the very philosophy of the criptomoedas as bitcoin, to build a decentralized system without a definite owner.

    In addition, pseudonyms make it easier to deal with the complicated financial system, taking the risks and responsibility of a person.

    Alano is part of SOCML, a committee made up of 100 people from around the world to discuss artificial intelligence. The committee holds a conference every year that is funded by companies such as Google and the Open AI Institute, institute of Tesla creator Elon Musk. The Brazilian programmer believes that his involvement in artificial intelligence projects helped make ECC more popular.

    Currently the team working on the ECC project counts people of nationalities such as the United States, Spain and Portugal.
    They all met in virtual currency forums and ended up getting involved with the project in a variety of functions such as currency trading for brokerage firms and ECC marketing and communication.

    In total, the community of people who invests, negotiates and helps in some way to promote ECC has 7,000 people. The currency, still in development, is traded in a few virtual currency brokers.

    "We are still finalizing the products of the currency and the goal is to start releasing it in the third quarter of this year," says Alano.

    Alano's work, like the others, is voluntary. At the same time, it can buy as many ECCs as you want. In a universe of so many currencies, the developer knows that there is not room for all, but bet on the ECC as one of the winners.

    The path is still long, but if Alano succeeds, he will be able to put not only the creation of the currency in his curriculum but also many ECCs in his portfolio. Virtual, of course.
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